Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://app/modules/urlHelper.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://app/modules/prompterHelper.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://app/modules/editorHelper.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://app/modules/l10nHelper.jsm"); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["FileChangeUtils"]; var FileChangeUtils = { kCSSRule: Components.interfaces.nsIDOMCSSRule, mFileInfo: {}, mLinkedFiles: {}, lookForChanges: function() { this.mLinkedFiles = {}; var enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator( "bluegriffon" ); while ( enumerator.hasMoreElements() ) { var win = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow); this.lookForChangesForWindow(win); } // at this point, we have all references external files inside mLinkedFiles var showAlert = true; try { showAlert = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("bluegriffon.files.alert-on-update"); } catch(e){} for (var i in this.mLinkedFiles) { if (this.mFileInfo[i]) { if (this.mLinkedFiles[i].lastMod > this.mFileInfo[i]) { //////////////////////// // this file was updated //////////////////////// if (showAlert) { var rv = { value: false }; var titleWindow = L10NUtils.getString("AFileWasChanged"); var checkboxLabel = L10NUtils.getString("DontAskForFileChangesAgain"); var message = L10NUtils.getBundle() .formatStringFromName("ReloadFile", [i.substr(i.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)], 1); Services.prompt.alertCheck(null, titleWindow, message, checkboxLabel, rv); showAlert = !rv.value; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("bluegriffon.files.alert-on-update", showAlert); } for (var n = 0; n < this.mLinkedFiles[i].nodes.length; n++) { var node = this.mLinkedFiles[i].nodes[n]; if (node instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMElement) { // it's an element node if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "link") { var href = node.getAttribute("href"); node.setAttribute("href", ""); node.setAttribute("href", href); } else { // img, audio, video var srcAttr = node.getAttribute("src"); var src = node.src; try { // Remove the image URL from image cache so it loads fresh // (if we don't do this, loads after the first will always use image cache // and we won't see image edit changes or be able to get actual width and height) var IOService = UrlUtils.getIOService(); if (IOService) { if (UrlUtils.getScheme(src)) { var uri = IOService.newURI(src, null, null); if (uri) { var imgCacheService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(); var imgCache = imgCacheService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.imgICache); // This returns error if image wasn't in the cache; ignore that imgCache.removeEntry(uri); } } } } catch(e) {} node.setAttribute("src", ""); node.setAttribute("src", srcAttr); } } else { // it's a style rule var parentStyleSheet = node.parentStyleSheet; while (!parentStyleSheet.ownerNode) { parentStyleSheet = parentStyleSheet.ownerRule.parentStyleSheet; } var node = parentStyleSheet.ownerNode; if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "style") { var prose = node.textContent; node.textContent = ""; node.textContent = prose; } else { // link var href = node.getAttribute("href"); node.setAttribute("href", ""); node.setAttribute("href", href); } } } } } } // update saved timestamps this.mFileInfo = {}; for (var i in this.mLinkedFiles) { this.mFileInfo[i] = this.mLinkedFiles[i].lastMod; } }, lookForChangesForWindow: function(aWindow) { if (!aWindow) // sanity check return; var tabeditor = aWindow.document.getElementById("tabeditor"); var decks = tabeditor.mTabpanels.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < decks.length; i++) { this.lookForChangesForEditor(decks[i].lastChild.firstChild); } }, _enumerateStyleSheet: function(aSheet, aCallback) { if (aCallback(aSheet)) return; var rules = aSheet.cssRules; for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { var rule = rules.item(j); switch (rule.type) { case FileChangeUtils.kCSSRule.IMPORT_RULE: this._enumerateStyleSheet(rule.styleSheet, aCallback); break; case FileChangeUtils.kCSSRule.MEDIA_RULE: this._enumerateStyleSheet(rule, aCallback); break; default: break; } } }, enumerateStyleSheets: function(aDocument, aCallback) { var stylesheetsList = aDocument.styleSheets; for (var i = 0; i < stylesheetsList.length; i++) { var sheet = stylesheetsList.item(i); this._enumerateStyleSheet(sheet, aCallback); } }, lookForChangesForEditor: function(aElt) { if (!aElt) // sanity check return; var innerEditor = aElt.getEditor(aElt.contentWindow); var doc = innerEditor.document; // first, find nodes with external references var nodes = doc.querySelectorAll("link[rel*='stylesheet'][href], img[src], audio[src], video[src]"); for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; var src = ""; switch (node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case "link": src = node.href; break; case "audio": case "video": case "img": src = node.src; break; default: break; // should never happen } if (src && src.substr(0, 7) == "file://") { this.addLinkedFile(src, node); } } // now, let's deal with the complex case: imported stylesheets... var _self = this; function enumerateImportedSheets(aSheet) { var cssRules = aSheet.cssRules; for (var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) { var rule = cssRules.item(i); if (rule.type == FileChangeUtils.kCSSRule.IMPORT_RULE) { var src = rule.styleSheet.href; if (src && src.substr(0, 7) == "file://") { _self.addLinkedFile(src, rule); } } } return false; } this.enumerateStyleSheets(doc, enumerateImportedSheets); }, addLinkedFile: function(aSrc, aNode) { if (aSrc in this.mLinkedFiles) { this.mLinkedFiles[aSrc].nodes.push(aNode); } else { var file = UrlUtils.newLocalFile(aSrc); var lastMod = 0; if (file && file.exists()) { lastMod = file.lastModifiedTime; } this.mLinkedFiles[aSrc] = { lastMod: lastMod, nodes: [aNode] }; } }, notifyFileModifiedByBlueGriffon: function(aSpec) { if (!aSpec) // early way out return; if (aSpec in this.mFileInfo) delete this.mFileInfo[aSpec]; } };