Composer: developers

Color Picker

Color pickerComposer has a helper for simple and convenient usage of its new color picker inside a sidebar or extension. This helper allows to create persistent color objects that carry information for a given system color, for example the foreground color, the page's background color, table cells' background color and so on.

The object is

  newPersistentColorObject: function(aColorObjectId)
  cleanPersistentColorObject: function(aColorObjectId)
  getCurrentColor: function(aColorObjectId)
  setLastPickedColor: function(aColorObjectId, aColor)
  isCancelled: function(aColorObjectId)
  openColorPicker: function(aColorObjectId, aWindowTitle, aShowTransparency)
  1. Create a new persistent color object
  2. Delete a persistent color object
  3. Retrieve the selected color in a color object
  4. Set the last picked color for a given color object
  5. Show the color picker
  6. Check if the color picker was cancelled
  7. Example

Create a new persistent color object

Method name newPersistentColorObject
  1. aColorObjectId, a unique string identifying the color object
Return value null in case of error or failure, the color object otherwise

List of predefined color object identifiers:

Delete a persistent color object

Method name cleanPersistentColorObject
  1. aColorObjectId, a unique string identifying the color object
Return value no return value

Retrieve the selected color in a color object

Method name getCurrentColor
  1. aColorObjectId, a unique string identifying the color object
Return value null in case of error or failure (for instance if the corresponding color object does not exist), the selected color in the corresponding color object otherwise

Set the last picked color for a given color object

Method name setLastPickedColor
  1. aColorObjectId, a unique string identifying the color object
  2. aColor, a color (see the CSS definition of a color)
Return value null in case of error or failure, the color aColor otherwise

Show the color picker

Method name openColorPicker
  1. aColorObjectId, a unique string identifying the color object ; if the color object for this identifier does not already exist, a new color object is created for that identifier
  2. aWindowTitle, a title for the color picker dialog
  3. aShowTransparency, a boolean being true if the checkbox allowing to set the color "transparent" has to be shown (for CSS backgrounds for instance)
Return value null in case of error or failure, the color object otherwise

It is possible to check if the color picker was closed by the user on a Cancel action using the following method:

Check if the color picker was cancelled

Method name isCancelled
  1. aColorObjectId, a unique string identifying the color object
Return value returns a boolean is the last color picked shown for the color object identifier was cancelled ; if there is no color object for this identifier, an exception NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER is thrown


const kTEMPLATE_COLUMN_BG_COLOR = "TemplateColumnBgColor";
var colorHelper =;
if (colorHelper.newPersistentColorObject(kTEMPLATE_COLUMN_BG_COLOR))
  colorHelper.openColorPicker( kTEMPLATE_COLUMN_BG_COLOR,
                               "Set the background color for the column",
  if (colorHelper.isCancelled(kTEMPLATE_COLUMN_BG_COLOR))


Last Update:
2007-oct-26, 12:53pm CEST
2007-oct-26, 12:53pm CEST
initial revision (dglazman)